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SCREENPLAY for Mustang Sally
Executive Produced by Electronten Pictures, Written, Directed, Produced by Ronnie Shantz/Robinson, Starring Ronnie Shantz/Robinson as Ronnie And The Electrons.
The PICTURE fades up to Ronnie And The Electrons sitting on a park bench. Contemplating, puzzled, he drums his fingers a moment, looks at the CAMERA, hesitates and picks up his cell and dials, knowing something isn't right.
Ronnie E. Hey... you finally naswered. Where've you been?
(listens, then) Out with the girls again.. (oh really) Ooohhh....
(listens, then) Ah. And Jimmy's place, again. Every night. Oohhh...
((cuts someone off) Well. I wrote--did this song. For us. I want you to have a listen It'll just take a few minutes. Just take a listen. Here goes.
Cool, classy, Ronnie E. puts on his shades and cranks up the song, already knowing the result, plays it through and finally ends with the storyline conclusion, knowing it made its point. He picks up the phone again, removing his shades.
Ronnie E. (vain grin)So.... what'd you think?
He waits for a reply. Silence. His grin fades.
Ronnie E. Hello? (beat) Hello... ?
Finally realizing his Girl has hung up--
Ronnie E (realizing) Oooooh...
--Ronnie E. puts the dead phone down cluing in his Girl moved on. With Jimmy. Absorbing his misread, he looks into the CAMERA with no visible anguish, anger, etc and... just lets her go.
Ronnie E. Well, that's that.
Reflecting a moment, he picks up his glasses, keeping his composure.
Ronnie E. Sayona.(staying cool, classy) It's been real, Baby.
Still confident, someone who knows how to absorb love rejection, Ronnie E. puts on his shades, gets up, moves in on the CAMERA, and as his guitar engulfs everything around drowning out the world except the end of their relationship...
Etron Music, Mustang Sally budget: 550$
Electronten Pictures Screenplay,shorts, Sitcom, Lyrics and Short Story Books list, for sale at,
My pics for Worlds BEST OF THE BEST competition proposal:
Carnal Lady, Worlds Best adult drama
The Last Android, World's Best Scifi
Sonnet For Salnalemta: World's Best Teen Drama
The Continuum: World's Best Horror
Low Down Johnny Brown: World's Best Action/Comedy
The Electron Jungle: Worlds Best 3 Sitcom Pilot compilation
The Electronten Theater: World's Best 3 play compilation--a one room 10 minute shooting play, a one room 30 minute (or under) and a one room 50 minute (or under) shooting play.
Short Story: Worlds Best 3 short story compilation (compilation 45 pgs and under)
Book Of Letters: Worlds Best lyrical compilation
Carnal Lady, Octavio And Damayanti, The Mesopotamia, Low Down Johnny Brown, Sonnet For Salnalema, The Last Android, The Deviant, The Observer, The Wolf Of Lexington Heights, The Continuum, The Infiltrator, Off Nite Shorts 1 and 2, Comic Monster 1 and 2, Midnight Catalogue 1 and 2, The Electron Jungle 1 and 2, The Electronten Theater 1 and 2, Book Of Letters 1 and 2, Short Story, New Galaxy 66.